In Focus California is a series of half hour public affairs shows focused on the issues and communities of Southern California hosted by Renee Eng.
In Focus California: SoCal airs Sundays at 8 a.m., and two new episodes of In Focus California: In Your Community will air weekly, on Mondays and Tuesdays at 12 Noon, on Spectrum Community channels 84 and 214.
Renee Eng is the anchor of In Focus California: SoCal and In Focus California: In Your Community, an outgrowth of her tenure covering north Los Angeles County as a an anchor/producer for Spectrum News Southern California. Eng was born and raised in California, hailing from Apple Valley, and she earned both Bachelor’s and MBA degrees from UCLA. A member of the Asian American Journalist Association, she worked for the Walt Disney Company and Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. before entering the field.