Our panel returns to the elephant in the room: the citizenship question. The Enumeration Clause in the Constitution calls for counting “the whole numbers of persons in each state.” It doesn’t say “citizens” or “legal residents.” But with a five-to-four conservative majority on the Supreme Court, it is almost a dead cert that the question will remain. Our guests talk about options. Do you have to answer all the questions on the survey? What happens if everyone declines to answer the citizenship question? This is the first census that can be answered online (as well as by phone, where you can respond in 12 different languages), or the traditional paper survey (which is translated into 59 languages). But there are undercounts in every census. Online isn’t going to help seniors. And, as in most things, low income neighborhoods and neighborhoods of color stand to lose the most. So, what can organizations do to make sure people aren’t too afraid to stand up and be counted?