Safety. It’s an issue that comes up with every advocate fighting to end domestic and intimate partner violence. Melinda Katz and Cecile Noel talk about why victims are afraid to come forward: Fear. And that fear takes many forms, be it fear of their abuser, fear of the system, fear for the future, fear of the shame of being a victim, or fear over their immigration status. Our guests talk about their efforts to quell those fears, and let everyone know that, in New York City, you are free to come forward no matter your religion, ethnicity, or financial or immigration status. They’ll also talk about the importance of working with outside advocacy groups who can provide shelter, food emotional and financial assistance for those who need it, and who are dedicated to protecting victims of domestic and intimate partner violence, and helping them become survivors.

If you are being abused you can call any of these organizations for help:

Family Justice Centers

1-800-621 HOPE (4673)

Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs

212 788 7654

Arab American Family Support Center

Brooklyn:  718 643 8000

Queens:  718 937 8000

Jewish Association Serving the Aging

212 273 5272

Sanctuary For Families

212 349 6009

Korean American Family Support Center

718 460 3800

The LGBTQ Network

718 514 2155