The rising tension between the African American and Jewish communities is especially hard to swallow when you think about the Civil Rights Movement in the ‘60s, when both groups marched, fought and even died together in the battle for voting rights and human rights.  As we remember the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr., who preached that “only love will” drive out hate, our guests talk about the message Dr. King would have had for young people fighting the same enemies in many cases, like poverty and a lack of affordable living space, to bring them together.  And they’ll expand on the idea of the “other”.  Most of the anti-Semitic attacks have been against members of the Hassidic community.  Is it simply because they stand out, or is it that living in relative isolation sparks fear in those who don’t understand them?  And do the Hassidics fear the African American community because they don’t know them? Our guests will offer their ideas on how to end this cycle of hate, and bring together communities that have much more in common than they realize.