It won’t surprise you to know that the New York State isn’t the only entity suing to restore the Trusted Traveler Program to New York State. The New York Civil Liberties Union has once more jumped into the breach, filing its own lawsuit that covers only Global Entry, part of the TTP. Donna Lieberman joins In Focus to talk about their lawsuit and why this fight is so important. New York is the only state banned from using TTP, which, she says, speaks to a larger pattern of bias. Harsha Panduranga of the Brennan Center for Justice speaks to how this compares to other actions taken by the administration, especially the Muslim Ban. Yaritza Mendez looks at the issue from the point of view of undocumented immigrants, the pawns stuck in the middle of this battle.
Dissecting the Trump Administration's Argument Against The Trusted Traveler Program
PUBLISHED March 1, 2020 @4:47 PM