Queens Congresswoman Grace Meng has been representing the 6th district in the House since 2013. She has been laser focused on helping the country's Asian-American community.

But she has also been the face of the terror that occurred in the Capitol on January 6th, documenting on Twitter the hours she spent barricaded in her office, escaping the angry mob.

She begins by talking about the now-ended impeachment hearing, and how she feels about the job the House Managers did in serving those who were attacked on that day. She then quickly turned to the issues that bring her to In Focus, the difficulties facing the Asian American community here in New York, issues made far more challenging by the pandemic.

She talked about a bill she sponsored in the House, co-sponsored by Kamala Harris in the Senate, that would help protect Asian Americans against hate speech and violence, and how proud she is that the Executive Order recently signed by President Biden included much of what she fought for in her own bill. 

She'll also address the lag in COVID-19 vaccinations among Asian-Americans, and what she believes the new administration can do to help end the inequity.