City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams joins “In Focus” to discuss the crucial work done by Citymeals on Wheels. Adams has been a fierce advocate of the organization and is working with the City Council to address the issue of food insecurity.

According to the organization, 10% of older New Yorkers face hunger, and 10% of seniors were food insecure before the pandemic. New York City is home to more than 1.4 million people over the age of 60. The city’s senior population is expected to grow by 40% by 2040.

Adams explains how the City Council is protecting elders and fighting food insecurity for the most vulnerable. She also addresses how she’s ensuring no seniors are left behind during this unprecedented time.

Food deserts also remain a big problem across New York City neighborhoods. They are places where at least 33% of the population is more than a half-mile from the nearest supermarket. In the Bronx, there are more than 35 bodegas for every supermarket, according to the city’s Food Policy Center. Adams explains what more can be done and why access is not the only issue when it comes to food deserts.

Last month, the City Council voted to pass a record $101 billion budget. Adams explains how it will bring greater transparency to ensure communities are being met with the services they deserve to advance an equitable recovery for all, especially as it relates to elders.

Research shows Citymeals on Wheels is highly effective, with recipients reporting improved health and fewer feelings of loneliness. About 92% of seniors receiving meals say it enables them to remain living at home. Adams talks about how she plans to ensure the organization continues to be a lifeline for older New Yorkers for at least another four decades.