Queens Councilmember Nantasha Williams celebrated Women’s History Month and discussed the importance of representation.
She explained how seeing women of color in positions of power is molding the next generation of empowered women.
For the first time, New York City has a majority-women in the City Council.
As Black women reach new heights in leadership across the city and the country, Williams explained how the Women’s Caucus is celebrating Black leadership and honoring the women whose shoulders we stand on.
Williams talked about how she was raised by a single mother who worked as a social worker for the city. She explained how it inspired her to fight for the most vulnerable communities.
Williams said one of the Black women who inspired her political journey is legendary politician Shirley Chisholm.
She explained how she’s hoping to inspire the next generation of Black and brown women in her community.
Williams geared up for the first Women in Power Forum and previewed what to expect.
The forum is on March 25 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Harvest Room in Queens.