Erin Vilardi, founder and CEO of VoteRunLead, discussed how her organization achieved equal representation by women in government.
The nonprofit teaches women how to run for political office and win. It’s also focused on improving women's representation in government.
According to a national VRL poll, 85% of women respondents and 71% of men said that the country would be better if more women were elected.
Vilardi explained what needs to be done to get more women into the political arena and talks about some obstacles women face when running for office.
At the current rate, VRL says it would take 60 years to achieve reflective representation in state governments.
Vilardi discussed how VRL ensures women have the tools they need to run and how the organization’s accelerating positive change for communities across the country.
VRL’s celebrating Women’s History Month with a new online tool that teaches women how to effectively run for office. offers more than 100 resources to empower women as they campaign.
Vilardi explained the importance of resources and community when it comes to supporting women running for office.
VRL is the nation’s largest, most diverse training program for women running for office.
For more information, visit