IN FOCUS – The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has an impact far beyond what some may think.
“It impacts just about everyone,” said Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison). "There’s just so much that he did that has really helped this country to be a better country.”
The Day of Service is another one of Dr. King’s many legacies. It’s a day when people should take the time to be more focused on their communities than they are themselves.
“A day like this is especially significant,” said Rep. Pocan. He says helping your community doesn’t just help the need right then and there, Rep. Pocan says it helps the person become more enriched as a person. “I encourage everyone, in whatever way, whatever your talents are, whatever time you have available, if you can put that into helping others, you’re going to be able to help yourself and it feels really awesome.”