KENTUCKY — For tens of millions of people in America and even right here in the commonwealth, a daily meal isn’t a choice between different dishes.

It’s a choice between food and other crucial needs — like medicine, electricity or childcare. 

Lexington-based God’s Pantry Food Bank, along with Feeding America and the network of food banks around the nation, are spending this month standing together to fight hunger.

Mike Halligan is the president and CEO at God's Pantry Food Bank and joins this In Focus Kentucky segment to share details on how the food bank is fighting hunger.

"So our mission is to reduce hunger. By working together to be Kentucky communities, and our vision is a nourished life for every Kentuckian. Food insecurity across the Commonwealth of Kentucky is a pretty serious problem. There are some 700,000 people at risk of hunger. And here in central and eastern Kentucky where we provide services, about a quarter of a million," explained Halligan.

God's Pantry is one of several Kentucky organizations participating in Hunger Action Month, which is a month to spread the word, take action and dedicate ourselves to finding a solution to this hunger crisis.

"What we've seen throughout the pandemic, just to use one frame of reference, is a pretty significant increase in the amount of food assistance that folks have requested, again, about a quarter of a million across central and eastern Kentucky. Here in Fayette County, almost 40,000. And what we've seen over the past 18 months is about a 20% increase, give or take, in requests that we've gotten from folks who are experiencing hunger. That number has ebbed and flowed a little bit depending on government stimulus checks, benefits through SNAP and the National School Lunch Program that have certainly helped us fight hunger," added Halligan.

The Food Bank kicked off Hunger Action Month a little early by joining Feeding Kentucky, the other Kentucky state food banks and Gov. Andy Beshear to place flags at the state capitol. Each flag represents more than 250 individuals who are food insecure in Kentucky. Visit the state capitol this month to see the installation in person.

As we move into September, there are some additional ways for you to take action and support the Food Bank:

More Than Just a Meal sponsored by Traditional Bank: Purchase your ticket online.

Virtual Food Drive: God's Pantry has a goal of $20,000, which would be enough for the Food Bank to provide 160,000 meals for kids & teens, families and seniors in central and eastern Kentucky.